Antonyms for Smattering. Truckload . Show Definitions . Truckload noun – A considerable amount. Usage example: the guy who marries her is in for a truckload of misery.


Smattering definition, a slight, superficial, or introductory knowledge of something : a smattering of Latin. See synonyms for smattering on 

Antonym: honest. Analogy: Antonyms for majority: springtime, individual, sprinkling, separate, less than halves, singular, unusual, nonpublic, outnumbered, unknown, Pupilage, private, minority is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Word of the Day: wordplay.

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Antonym Cosmetics is a high performance natural and organic makeup brand. Our cruelty-free lines consist of clean beauty products including blush, foundation   1000万語収録!Weblio辞書 - smattering とは【意味】生かじりの知識,少量 【 例文】He has a smattering of knowledge about physics. 「smattering」の  Popular synonyms for Smattering and phrases with this word. Words with similar meaning of Smattering at Thesaurus dictionary Antonym There's no word for the opposite of nostalgia.

Smatter definition, to speak (a language, words, etc.) with superficial knowledge or understanding. See more.

ANTONYM Autumn brought the end of the brought that had been the bane of the gardener's summer. a) blessing b) hobby c) irritation d) highlight. a) blessing.

Superstatesman Wirebills antonym. 800-747-3833. Metaphenylenediamin Achserve Smattering Personeriasm · 800-747-4599. Jamarrea Kingcade. 800-747- 

2 small number of people/things. ADJ. small, tiny | mere having to cope with a mere handful of staff | good He … a person who pretends or claims to posses more skill than in reality. charlatanically noun. Synonym: imposter. Antonym: honest. Analogy: Antonyms for majority: springtime, individual, sprinkling, separate, less than halves, singular, unusual, nonpublic, outnumbered, unknown, Pupilage, private, minority is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions.

a smattering of rubbish - English Only forum A smattering of something - English Only forum I have a smattering of Albanian, Bulgarian, and Hungarian.
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「smattering」の  Popular synonyms for Smattering and phrases with this word. Words with similar meaning of Smattering at Thesaurus dictionary Antonym There's no word for the opposite of nostalgia.

2 small number of people/things. ADJ. small, tiny | mere having to cope with a mere handful of staff | good He … a person who pretends or claims to posses more skill than in reality.
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Antonyms for smattering include army, crowd, flock, gazillion, horde, host, jillion, kazillion, legion and loads. Find more opposite words at!

Find more ways to say smattering, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at  Translation of the word matter from english to swedish, with synonyms, antonyms, verb conjugation, pronunciation, anagrams, examples of use. Synonyms explanation is given below : Hat, hatt, mössa, huvudbonad, även bildligt,,, We walk away from the smattering of polo insiders wearing baseball  Nor is it all normal trumpets: this CD boasts piccolo trumpets, bass trumpets , cornets and flugelhorns, as well as a smattering of percussion. Synonyms, herald  (separated by semicolon) [OPTIONAL] Pointers to synonyms, antonyms and words In it we noted a smattering of tlhIngan Hol spellings for names of various  smattering · aning, hum · smouldering · pyrande · sneering · hånfull · sneering laugh · hånskratt · sponsoring · sponsrar · spring · källa, språng, vår, resår, brunn,  antonym · antonym · antwerpen · antwerp · anus, analöppning · anus elegant · smart · kras, krossa, krock, slå sönder · smash · aning, hum · smattering. Att hålla driftskostnaderna låg, global köpkraft, en smattering av varumärken blandade med importerade europeiska europeiska märkesprodukter och små  antivenin/MS antiviral/S antivivisectionist/S antiwar antler/DMS antonym/SM smashup/S smattering/SM smear/GSRD smearer/M smeary/RT smell/BSGRD  antler, @ntlX, 1.4771.

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2021-3-20 · Test Your Vocabulary has been introduced to help the students who are preparing for competitive exams to gain confidence. Vocabulary is important for any competitive exam especially for English Language subject whether it is an objective exam or descriptive exam.

Tinge definition, to impart a trace or slight degree of some color to; tint.

2021-1-4 · smattering (countable and uncountable, plural smatterings) A superficial or shallow knowledge of a subject. She knows a smattering of Greek, but not enough to carry on a conversation. 1529, Thomas More, The Supplycacyon of Soulys [The Supplication of Souls], London: W. Rastell, Book 2, […] he had a lytell smatterynge in the lawe: […]

2 small number of people/things. ADJ. small, tiny | mere having to cope with a mere handful of staff | good He … a person who pretends or claims to posses more skill than in reality. charlatanically noun.

- He has a smattering of Greek. Ты зна'ешь предме'т поверхностно, Том. - Your knowledge of the subject is superficial, Tom. lament definition: 1.